After seeing the tooth collection of Peter the Great in a book called Finders Keepers I decided that I wanted a tooth collection of my own. However, I didn't have a clue as to how to go about it - Brick Lane Market was full of weird and wonderful things on a Sunday morning but I had never seen any teeth. It turns out, however, that all one has to do in the pursuit of a tooth collection is lament the lack of a tooth collection - the teeth just come flooding in. To be honest it was more dribs and drabs but I now have a collection of over 100 teeth. It's probably the collection that people find the most disconcerting but for the most part I remain unfazed. I was, however, once given a set of wisdom teeth that still had large amounts of gum attached. The gum was quite stubborn and wouldn't come away easily with a scalpel so I put them in a pot to boil. Looking down at the pot, bubbling away, my immediate thought was that this was the sort of thing that a serial killer would do. I guess the main difference is that all my "trophies" have been willingly donated.