It was how I displayed objects in my home and my sense of humour that prompted Annoushka to ask me to curate Milestones - the exhibition that celebrated her 25 years in the jewellery industry. The exhibition was based on 25 key themes describing Annoushka's influences, inspiration and philosophy. Themes such as warmth, yummy, nature, narrative, craftsmanship, tactile, colour etc. There was a display case for each theme, containing objects from Annoushka's home, alongside jewellery from both Links of London and Annoushka that evoked that particular theme. It was important that the exhibition should not only convey Annoushka's creativity but also her sense of fun. I knew that the exhibition was a success when I overheard a visitor say that she didn't know Annoushka but that after seeing the exhibiton she not only felt that she knew her but she liked her. The exhibition was due to run for one month but was extended to seven, due to its popularity.